The Rampart is an easy to deploy, effective door security brace designed for homes, offices, hospitals, dorm rooms, municipal buildings, and many other areas. The Rampart provides a resistance equal to or greater than the pressure applied to the opposite side of the door (380-650lbs depending on deployment angle), thereby deterring the intruder and providing room occupants valuable time during an attempted break-in. WE stand behind our Rampart as the best door-bracing device on the market. YOU can stand behind the Rampart as YOUR defensive wall.
The Rampart provides you with an added layer of security and peace of mind against hostile intruders.
- Deploys quickly and easily
- Easy size adjustment
- Fits almost any door handle
- Securely grips most floor surfaces
- Compact size for travel
- Proudly manufactured in the USA
Weight: 1lb
Dimension: 32 x 3 x 3 in
**Hanging bracket sold separately